LDS Tours in Arkansas | LDS Tours Cancun
LDS Tours in Missouri | LDS Tours in Cancun
The state of Missouri has a great importance for our church; therefore Alma’s LDS Tours has decided to dedicate this blog to edit one of the most tragic periods in the history of Mormonism.
LDS Tours in Montana | LDS Tours in Cancun
Alma’s LDS Tours invites you to discover the history of our church in Montana. The first pioneers visited the region in 1855, thereafter began working loading and transporting minerals to Salt Lake City.
LDS Tours in San Diego, California | LDS Tours in Cancun
San Diego is a major tourist destination for national and international visitors who want to enjoy the beaches, the weather and all the attractions of this wonderful city in the state of California that became part of the United States following the war with Mexico in 1948. Surprisingly, the history of our church is also linked to this event. Alma’s LDS Tours invites you to discover it.
LDS Tours in Wyoming | LDS Tours in Cancun
The story of the first members of our Church in Wyoming is very interesting; Alma’s LDS Tours invites you to found out. The brave pioneers who came from Mississippi built a ferry near the present city of Casper, known as Mormon ferry. In late 1847, more than 2,000 Mormons had crossed Wyoming.
LDS Tours in Cancun | LDS Tours in Seattle
Alma’s LDS Tours today’s blog topic is dedicated to Seattle, the largest city in the state of Washington, located between Lake Washington and the bay called Puget Sound, along the Pacific Ocean.
The Book of Mormon | LDS Tours in Cancun
The Book of Mormon is one of four books accepted by the Church of Latter-day Saints. Since its publication in 1830, has blessed the lives of many people worldwide. It is a faithful witness to the existence of Jesus Christ and reaffirms the truth of the Bible. For this reason, Alma’s LDS Tours like to share some information about its origin.
LDS Tours in Las Vegas | LDS Tours in Cancun
Alma’s LDS Tours invites you to learn the history of our church in the state of Nevada. The first report of Mormon residents in the area occurs in 1855, when thirty missionaries from Salt Lake City were sent to Vegas to establish a colony and protect the mail route from Los Angeles. The pioneers built a fort and worked in agricultural work, but this first settlement was abandoned three years later because of Indian raids.
Recorridos SUD en Texas | LDS Tours in Cancun
Miembros de la Iglesia de los Santos de los Últimos Días se trasladaron al estado de Texas desde el año de 1844. A partir de entonces nuestra iglesia ha crecido, al ser ampliamente reconocida por sus prácticas de altos estándares morales y de vida saludable, incluyendo sus programas para fortalecer y apoyar a la familia. Hasta el momento cuatro templos han sido edificados en todo el estado, Alma’s LDS Tours te invita a conocerlos.
LDS Tours in Texas | LDS Tours in Cancun
Members of the Church of Latter-day Saints moved to the state of Texas since 1844. Since then our church has grown to be widely recognized for its high moral standards practices and healthy living, including programs to strengthen and support the family. So far four temples were built throughout the state. Alma’s LDS Tours invites you to meet them all.