LDS Tours in Cancun | LDS Tours in Seattle

Alma’s LDS Tours today’s blog topic is dedicated to Seattle, the largest city in the state of Washington, located between Lake Washington and the bay called Puget Sound, along the Pacific Ocean.
The Seattle area has been inhabited for about 4,000 years; however, the first European settlement is recorded until the mid-nineteenth century. Mormon history in the area dates back to 1854, when the Mormon pioneers came to work on the railroad tracks. During these early years, members of our church faced persecution and missionary work was constantly interrupted. The first stake was created in 1938 and its membership grew rapidly. In 1960 there were 11,000 members in Washington, for 1970 was 67.000 and in 1980 was 138,000. Currently there is a population of over a quarter of a million members of the Church in Washington State where even today there are three temples for all Church members.
The Seattle Washington Temple announced on May 27, 1978, was the first to be built in that time. The site of the temple has nine hectares, is located near the old airfield Bellevue. Serves members in western Washington and British.
Columbia. The temple was opened for public tours on October 7th to November 8th, 1980. The facilities include four ordinance rooms, twelve sealing rooms, the celestial room and a baptismal font.
Some attractions that Alma’s LDS Tours recommends you visit if you decide to travel to Seattle are The Art Museum, The Museum of History and Industry, The Communications Museum, The Museum without Walls, The Seattle Aquarium and The Hall of Fame of Science Fiction.
Remember Alma’s LDS Tours awaits for you on your next trip to Mexico, visit the Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen or Cancun and learn more about the history of our church by exploring the sites of Yucatan peninsula, we have recreational activities and tours for you. Our guides are certified experts in each topic. We are looking forward to see you soon!