LDS Tours in Provo | Provo City Center Temple | LDS Tours Cancun
LDS Tours in Los Angeles, California | LDS Tours in Cancun
The city of Los Angeles is the most populous city in California, and the second most populous in the United States. Is a global city, full of culture, media, fashion, business, sports, education, arts, technology and more without forgetting religion. Because of its ethnical diversity, a wide variety of faiths are practiced. Fortunately, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints has made a big impact on this beautiful city. It counts with the Los Angeles California Temple which was the first temple to be built in California, and one curious note is that Los Angeles Temple is one […]
LDS Tours in Utah | LDS Tours in Cancun
Utah state, is better known as the right place, since President Brigham Young said it while he was leading one of many companies of pioneers looking for the place to establish, and asked to stop in this area that he named “Deseret”. To be more exact, this place was a desert valley that members turned into the beautiful and prosperous Salt Lake City, where they built the first and most significant temple. There are several historic sites along the state, incluiding a Family Tree Visitor’s Center, located in the heart of Park City, that helps visitors and members learn […]
LDS Tours in Canada | LDS Tours in Cancun
Canada is located in the northern part of the continent. It was colonized by Brittish and French expeditions in the late 15th century that is why they still being very influenced by their traditions, language and culture. In church history, we find out that the first members from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints living in Canada were converted and baptized thanks to the big labor that Joseph Smith, Sr. and his son Don Carlos made. They preached several Canadian towns so many converts were able to share their new religion with relatives. Between 1830 and 1850, nearly […]
LDS Tours in Australia | LDS Tours in Cancun
The history of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints in Australia, begins when the first couple of missionaries arrived in 1840. Four years later they organized the first branch with just a few converts. In the early 1850, after hard working, more missionaries kept arriving and baptizing people in Melbourne, where they also established a small congregation. Many converts decided to emigrate to Salt Lake City, Utah in order to follow the calling of the prophet. It was until 1905 when the first official buidling was constructed. The social acceptance of the church benefitted the growth of numbers […]
LDS Tours in Alabama | LDS Tours in Cancun
As happened in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi, John Brown was a key character to the settlement of the Saints in Alabama. In early 1844, Brown gathered with a several number of people that were ready to make fun of him, but instead of that, the crowd were silenced and decided to join to the cause and hear to the preacher. Three months later, the population that Brown reached, were approaching to 120 members in three different congregations. The converts were often baptized in Alabama River, although many members immigrated to west to avoid persecution. The members reached to […]
LDS Tours in Kansas | LDS Tours in Cancun
History of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints in the state of Kansas starts in the early 1831 thanks to several attempts of missionary effort to the Shawnee and Delaware Indians. Wonderful fruits have sprouted years after and great events have taken place in the state of Kansas. In the year of 1842, members of the church led by presiding Brigham Young, decided to join the United States military service to fight in the Mexican war. Recognized by U.S history as the only religious unit to fight in the Mexican war served from July 1846 to1847 with […]
The LDS church in Mississippi |LDS Tours in Cancun
The first records of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mississippi indicate that a couple of missionaries arrived in Tishomingo County in 1839 and baptized 13 people. In the early 1840s, a Latter-day Saint named John Brown served a mission in the South. He and his companions found a fertile field in Monroe County, Mississippi, and in a short time established a congregation of about 200 members. Unfortunately they suffered persecution, that is why nearly 90 Latter-day Saints in 40 wagons escaped opposition in Mississippi, arriving in Nauvoo, Illinois, in April 1842. Even though the members that […]
LDS church history in the United States | LDS Tours in Cancun
The United States is a country of religious diversity. Unlike many other countries, therehas been no “state church,” except for a few periods in some of the early colonies. The organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ocurred 6 april1830, in Fayette, New York, with 50 people and 6 official members present. Ten yearsprior to the organization, Joseph Smith, the church president, received a visión andfurther information from God to restore the church on earth. Kirtlan, Ohio served as the organizational headquarter from 1831 until 1838.Membership grew fast from a few of people to well over 2,000 […]
LDS Tours en Louisiana | LDS Tours in Cancun
La historia de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días en Louisiana se inicia en el año 1841, cuando el profeta José Smith recibió una carta de los miembros de la Iglesia en Nueva Orleans, que necesitaban de liderazgo. Aunque los miembros enfrentaron la oposición de la comunidad, Nueva Orleans se convirtió en el principal puerto de llegada de casi 17.500 Santos de los Últimos Días de Europa. A medida que el tiempo pasaba, veinticuatro misioneros de la Iglesia trabajaron en Louisiana para el año de 1898. Ciento diez conversos fueron bautizados en un año. Los […]
LDS Tours in Louisiana | LDS Tours in Cancun
The history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Louisiana begins in the year 1841 when the Prophet Joseph Smith received a letter from Church members in New Orleans who needed leadership. Although the members faced opposition from the community, New Orleans became the main port of arrival for nearly 17,500 Latter-day Saints from Europe. As the time passed by, Twenty-four Church missionaries labored in Louisiana in 1898. One hundred and ten converts were baptized in one year. The missionaries were challenged by mobs who threatened them and occasionally held hostages. Missionaries worked in New Orleans for […]