LDS church history in the United States | LDS Tours in Cancun

The United States is a country of religious diversity. Unlike many other countries, therehas been no “state church,” except for a few periods in some of the early colonies.
The organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ocurred 6 april1830, in Fayette, New York, with 50 people and 6 official members present. Ten yearsprior to the organization, Joseph Smith, the church president, received a visión andfurther information from God to restore the church on earth.
Kirtlan, Ohio served as the organizational headquarter from 1831 until 1838.Membership grew fast from a few of people to well over 2,000 before persecution andthe financial upheaval of the times forced the Saints to move on to the westernsettlements in Missouri and Illinois.
When Joseph Smith was murdered in 1844 the increasing pressure pushed the Saintsto abandon Illinois. Being the most senior of the Twelve Apostles, Brigham becameJoseph Smith’s successor as leader of the Church. In February 1846 led the LatterdaySaints in crossing the frozen Mississippi River to Iowa uninhabited territory Theyhad great difficulty passing through Iowa, and eventually established a settlementcalled Winter Quarters near what is now Omaha , Nebraska.
Soon the community was expanded to include both sides of the river, hundreds ofshelters, many of them only covered trenches or grass-roofed huts. In July of thatyear, the United States was involved in the Mexican-American War. They became theMormon Battalion and began their journey in the sweltering heat of Council Bluffs,Iowa, on 20 July 1846, leaving their loved ones behind. The battalion completed oneof the longest infantry marches in American history — about 2,000 miles (3,220 km)through what are now seven states and into Mexico.
Longing the initial vision articulated by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young prepared hispeople, 17,000 people for a historical journey through the vast wilderness to theRocky Mountains, 2,100 miles west. The first group of pioneers left Winter Quartersearly in the following spring and reached the Great Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847.Brigham Young said: “It is enough, , this is the right place. Drive on”. At least 236pioneer companies of approximately 60,000 pioneers crossed the plains for Utah.With time, they transformed the desert valley into the bustling and prosperous SaltLake City.!Salt Lake City is home to the Church’s worldwide headquarters.
The Church has expanded throughout each of the United States. More than six millionLatter-day Saints are spread throughout nearly 14,000 congregations, 103 missions,68 temples and 1,833 Family History Centers.As a team, Alma’s lds Tours appreciate the effort that the pioneers made and invitesyou to visit Mexico and the Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen and Cancun.
Contact usand learn from experts in the Book of Mormon lands and the places Christ visited inAmerica. We will be happy to be part of this great learning experience and providequality service.