Chocolate, The food of the Gods | LDS Tours Cancun
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LDS Tours in Cardston | Cardston Alberta Canada Temple | LDS Tours Cancun
Cardston is a wonderful town located in the Southwestern región of Alberta, Canada. Cardston is situated in the low foothills of southwest Alberta, approximately 25 km north from the American state of Montana. On its north side, it borders the Kainai Nation Indian Reservation, one of the largest reserves in North America. 40 km to the west of Cardston are the Rocky Mountains of Waterton Lakes National Park. Cardston is 77 km southwest of Lethbridge and 234 km south of Calgary. The name of town Cardston was established by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the year […]
LDS Tours in Chichen Itza | LDS Tours in Cancun | LDS Tours Cancun
Chichen Itza is one of the most famous and popular sites to visit in the Peninsula of Yucatan. In 1988, Chichen Itza was enlisted on the UNSECO as Humankind Heritage. Many years after, since 2007 it has been elected by the UNESCO (The United Nations, Educational, Science and Cultural Organization), after a Worldwide election, has chosen this beauty to become one of the 7 New Wonders of the Modern World. This wonderful archaeological site located west from the beautiful colonial city in the state of Yucatan known as Valladolid and only 110 kilometers east from the state’s capital Merida. Chichen […]
LDS Tours in Merida | Merida Yucatan Temple | LDS Tours Cancun
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrated a half century of its establishment in the Yucatan Peninsula, since the first 50 members were baptized in 1959. Pioneer members gathered from different cities of the peninsula to attend to this soulful celebration held on June, 13 of 2010 at the Stake Center located in the Vergel colony. Throughout the evening they were sharing the memories of the first experiences of the Church in Merida, planting the seed which has now given fruit with thirteen Stakes and Districts throughout the Peninsula, which grouped together 30 000 members. On that […]
LDS Tours in Tulum | LDS Tours in Cancun
Tulum Tulum is by far one of most spectacular places to visit along with your travel to the Riviera Maya. It is located in the northeast area of Quintana Roo Mexico. It is very easy to get to this spectacular place. If you are staying in Cancun, all you need to do is travel south on the main highway known as the 307. It is a 1hr and a half drive. Tulum was established in 400 a.d. and had occupancy of more than 1000 years until the arrival of the Spanish into Mexico. It was discovered in 1514 by Juan de […]
LDS Tours in Coba | LDS Tours in Cancun
Coba Coba is a wonderful archaeological site that belongs to the Mayan Culture located in the northwest area of the state of Quintana Roo in Mexico. With no doubt it is one of the most important Mayan settlements discovered since the arrival of the Spaniards into Mexico in the late 1400’s. Due to fact that even today, their are no actual evidences of what the original name this city had, modern-day investigator Eric Thompson (1936) has given this site the name of Kinchil Coba using a reference of the apearence of the God of the Sun found on many […]
LDS in Ek Balam | LDS Tours in Cancun
Ek Balam Still today, Ek Balam is known to be one of the most sacred Mayan sites discovered. Many wonderful carvings are found in this site revealing some of the most ancient and purest ceremonies that the Mayan practiced in the Preclassic period (800 b.c – 250 a.d.). Ek Balam is a Mayan city that was built, according to carbon dating in 300 b.c. approx. and had a large occupation until the arrival of the Spanish in the late 1400s. It has a territorial extension of 15 squared kilometers. The area where excavations have started occupies only 1/10 of this […]
LDS Tours in Utah | LDS Tours in Cancun
Utah State is better known as the right place since President Brigham Young said it while he was leading one of many companies of pioneers looking for the place to establish, and asked to stop in this area that he named “Deseret”. To be more exact, this place was a desert valley that members turned into the beautiful and prosperous Salt Lake City, where they built the first and most significant temple. There are several historic sites along with the state, including a Family Tree Visitor’s Center, located in the heart of Park City, that helps visitors and members learn more […]
LDS Tours in Washington | LDS Tours in Cancun
Church’s labor begun when four latter-day saints missionaries were sent to preach in the Washington and Oregon area. After a while, enough converts joined to establish a congregation along the Lewis River. Turbulance against the church was not late to appear, so many members helped each others, defending their beliefs, and over all because of the restoration of the right church. With the pass of the time, population grew, so they reached near to 1900 members in eight congregations by the year of 1930. In 1980, the first temple in the state, was built in Seattle. Many years later the […]
LDS Tours in Virginia | LDS Tours in Cancun
Virginia is a lovely state that offers a warm welcome and comfort since you arrive. Distinguished by its “Virginia is for Lovers” slogan, this state has everything to be loved: mountains, beaches, history, theme parks, outdoor activities, vibrant cities, sports, arts and more. In this lovable State we can also find stories related to the LDS church. First records of church history in Virginia are thanks to Jedediah M.Grant , a brave missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who was very demanded in the state because of his dedication to preach the gospel. He received […]
LDS Tours in Washington D.C. | LDS Tours in Cancun
Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America that houses the main building in the nation: The White House. This state is also distinguished by its architecture, arts, sports, culture, historic sites such as memorial monuments and buildings where were saved documents importatn to American history including the Declaration of Independence, the United Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Beside of this particular attractions, Washington D.C. has one of the most beautiful temple of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter.day Saints. The beauty of this marvelous temple is enhanced by a reflection pond near the visitor’s […]
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