LDS Tours in Uxmal | LDS Tours in Cancun

The archaeological site of Uxmal, is located in the state of Yucatán , 78 km from the city of Merida is one of the most important within the Puuc Route. Surprises all visitors because of the majesty and beauty of its buildings and waterworks.
This ancient city, whose name means “Thrice Built shows that its peak occurred from 900 to 1150 D. C., a period that was inhabited by over 20,000 people.
Among its most important buildings are:
The Governor’s Palace, projected on a large basement, has three separate platforms, each with internal chambers. Measured 100m x 12m and 12 high. The ornamentation of this construction is made with masks, friezes, friezes and hieroglyphics.
The Ball Game, only found in the zone of Uxmal, consists of two buildings, measuring 34 m long by 10 wide, is decorated with motifs of feathered rattlesnake. Also visible is the rings through which performed the ritual ball game. The rings have hieroglyphic inscriptions.
Quadrangle of the Nuns, distinguished by the construction of four buildings of different levels and a central courtyard. The architectural group presents a lattice decoration, masks, human figures and animals.
Pyramid of the Magician, is the largest building in Uxmal, measuring 53.5 m wide and 35 m high, its structure resembles that of an ellipse formed by two installments, in the basement have been identified five stages of construction.
The Savior“Master Teacher”
By Elder Jay E. Jensen
Of the Presidency of the Seventy
We delight in the words of Christ, the Scriptures
and, just as He did, use them to teach and strengthen others.
Under the direction of His Father, Jesus Christ created countless worlds. He was the great Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament. He was born of a mortal mother, Mary, and God the Eternal Father. He was the most extraordinary Being who ever lived on earth. He said he came to “do the will of him who sent me and end his work” (John 4:34). His message and His ministry were, no doubt, claims that he is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the promised Messiah.
In his teachings often quoted passages from the Old Testament. Used the scriptures to prepare for His ministry, to resist evil and temptation, to honor and confirm the veracity of ancient prophets and to strengthen others. From his example we learn to use the Scriptures more effectively in our responsibilities as parents, leaders and teachers, having he set the perfect example in all things, including being the Master Teacher.
Preparing for His Ministry
When the Lord came to earth, he was placed in the mind a veil of oblivion, like us, and He, as we progressed from grace to grace (see D & C 93:11-17). His Heavenly Father (see John 8:28, 12:49) and teachers taught mortals. As noted by the elder James E. Talmage (1862-1933), Quorum of Twelve Apostles models: “Our knowledge of Jewish life at that time justifies the conclusion that the Child received extensive instruction on the law and the Scriptures, because that was the rule. Knowledge accumulated through the study and obtained wisdom through prayer, meditation and determination. “From his childhood until he began his public ministry.
The Master Teacher “The Savior is the Master Teacher. The teachings of Jesus Christ are a treatise on teaching techniques that no one has surpassed. Described Jesus as a philosopher, economist, social reformer and many other titles, but more than that, the Savior was a teacher. If you ask: What occupation did Jesus have? There is only one answer: He was a teacher. It is he who should be our ideal. He who is the Master Teacher. “President Boyd K. Packer.
Join Alma’s LDS Tours to this journey that has prepared for you! We have affordable packages for the entire Yucatan Peninsula.